Saturday, 29 September 2007
Try the following links for photos (:
Sneak Peek of London:
The idea of me being here to STUDY hasnt really sunk in. But I think it will, soon.
I really have alot to say, I need to sit down and blog my heart out one day!
I'm sorry I'm taking quite long to reply msgs etc! Will email you guys my london contacts soon!
Meanwhile, lots of love from me! <3
Friday, 21 September 2007
Me, from London!!
My dear friends, I'm finally blogging from my room at London! haha my room's really big and spacious, other ppl think I'm mad coz I feel its too big (I can fit a living room in it, with couch and TV!) The beautiful thing is that I have my own toilet, but my hall is SUPER FAR from my campus, it's about 25 min walk, so I've been developing some really sturdy thighs and calves! I live on the 7th floor, so my view's pretty good, I can see my school's signature dome structure! I share the level with 7 other pple. There's a German, an american, 2 british, 3 singaporeans and 1 prc so it's qt multi-national!! So far I've not cooked anything as I realised I dont have plates and such, but the British guy's SO PREPARED! he has like a whole array of knives, pots, pans. You name it, he has it. I was qt shocked when he showed us his food cabinet. Felt qt bad when I compared his over-flowing one to mine, which only had milo and a few instant packets! :x I'm qt glad he likes to cook though, so he may be able to be our resident cook! Just yesterday, he whipped up curry, nun and some pasta!I've been living on bread and bananas! HAH!
Thankfully, the weather is good, cool and breezy. Sometimes it can get really cold when the wind blows and dirt gets blown into my eyes too, really aweful coz my eyes will hurt like mad! But I'll get used to walking with my eyes closed in the wind!The main transportation in London is really walking! Just tonight, my friend estimated that we walked a total of 10km, just to get a couple of essentials from this place called Primark, which supposedly offers cheaper deals. The stuff in London is really freaking ex! I went to Boots (equivalent to watson) to look for tissue paper and was super horrified to see that one box costs about 1.80 pounds=5 plus SGD! wAH! I decided that toilet paper was more important in the end. haha, so yea, it's hard not to convert everything I see and more often than not, after converting, I just decide that I don't need to spend that money!
Went to officially register as a student today! me and my friends were kiasu and went there early and true enough, there wasnt many ppl so we got our stuff done in less than 20 min! whoo that's Singapore spirit at its best! :D At yesterday's reception, I met a few interesting ppl from all over the world! (An Italian, who kept insisting he's from India, A German, A sweet swedish girl, an Indian who has resided in Singapore, Netherlands, India and Texas, and a few others. I had half a glass of wine and was swayin a lil alr. I can tell that my threshold's really pathetic haha! guess its also because I drank it with an empty stomach! but yea, I really still prefer juice!
Anw to recount what happened at this store called Argos which sells practically everything:
I wanted to buy a Laundry basket together with a few items. So I went there, wrote the serial numbers on the order form and passed it to the cashier for processing (yep its an odd system man). Then I proceeded to the collection point to wait for my stuff. Then, the person passed a huge 8kg box to me.
Guy:here you go!
me: err, are you certain? I think my laundry basket's supposed to be flat and light.This is scary.
Guy: sometimes the pictures are decieving, this is it!
me: are you sure?I think you've made a mistake!
Guy: (really stressed) it is it is! just take it.
When I got back, I opened the box and there were 10 laundry bags inside. ahha! i went about giving some out to my friends and flatmates.
From my experience so far, the british are indeed incomparable to singaporeans in terms of efficiency!
All right, it's getting late, I'll update my blog/facebook more often onece i've settled down!
To those who emailed/facebooked/came to send me off/ called me on 17th, I wanna say a BIG THANK YOU!
Miss you guys! <3
Monday, 17 September 2007
In less than 24hrs,
I will be on a long car ride to the airport
Bid farewell to my family and friends
and begin a whole new adventure.
It hasnt really dawned on me yet. When that time comes, I don't think I'll be able to control my tears.
I will miss every single one of you so much!
Friday, 14 September 2007
Take a look at my luggages!

9 months worth of stuff, doesnt seem like it! I have to make the clearance officers believe that the black bag is my handbag! Shouldnt be a prob right? haha.
Yesterday, my mum gave this:
She was quite excited about it. haha. And just when i was about to tell her I dun hang girly stuff on my bags/pouches, she said "it's a pepper spray!!!"
I turned to the back of the pepper spray box and it had some amusing instructions, including a point which attempted to describe how to operate the spray, which sounded so complicated. Another point went: Good for burglars, robbers, attackers and dogs. hmmm. And the one which I found the most amusing was: If the wind direction cannot be determined, spray pepper on your palm and spread it on the attackers. HAHA. If only I carry a wind sock wherever I go!
Still, it's a cute ornament :D
My flight's at 1120 pm on mon, Terminal 2 SQ. So I'll have to go through the terrifying gates at about 1030pm :( haha. Hz was teaching me how to be indirect bout this. Think I totally blew it :p
Thursday, 13 September 2007
Hey guys, sorry for being MIA for so long. Have been packing and packing and packing! Thankfully, I've a mother who's such a packing prodigy! She unpacked my luggage and repacked everything, now it looks so much better!! haha, though it's still too heavy for clearance (provided I pay the freaking expensive $82 per kg excess baggage charges or I meet a ultra nice officer that day), I think it's a pretty good job! The worse case scenario would see me giving up my milo and bolster! AHHH. That would be depressing!
Went to sentosa with UCL ppl on tue. Now I'm suffering from burnt shoulders so everytime someone touches or pats me on the shoulder I'll wince in pain! haha, anw I had lotsa fun playing frisbee though we all kinda suck at it. pictures below! (:

Really looking forward to MAF and spending time with the girls on sat!!
Oh and I've finally installed skype! add me at huixuanchia!!
monday monday monday. NO MONDAY BLUES!
Sunday, 9 September 2007
Today I had a prelude to what's to happen in a few days time. It was what I would call a pleasant farewell(:
Not only faces, shoes are memorable too! I think the airport's temp too cold, kinda froze our brains and made us say/do stupid stuff.

Some of Mak's friends. Was happy to see Jiashee too, it's been such a long time!
When I saw tears in Mak's grandma's eyes, I knew it would be hard to hold back on monday. Mummy please don't cry!!
Random pic! My grandma made and arrange all those flowers herself! AMAZING! According to her, she used to fold paper flowers for charity during the WW2 era. wow.

On a side note, I really really really want a happy farewell! (: no tears!
Friday, 7 September 2007
I'm back home! yea I was lucky and the visa application took only 4 days(:
The past few days were really well spent though!
On wed, I met shiru for lunch. As usual she had cravings for pasta so we headed to pastamania during her lunch break! Then, I had a movie date with cihan! haha. Ratatouille was nice, but a thousand rats in a scene is really NOT CUTE AT ALL. haha. Now I'm left with hairspray!
At night, I met,guess what, a friend whom I've not met in about 4 years! It was really great to meet Vanessa and Michael, both from my SLC group back in sec 3. It was nice just talking thru dinner, reminiscing about the past, or trying to remember the names of the other people in our group! We went to Changing Appetites at Marina, and the place really lived up to its name! It changed my appetite, upside down that is. haha. The food was hmmm, lets just say if you can choose between NYDC, Newyork and this, choose the other two, without doubt!
On thursday, I met Hz and Chieh at Bugis for lunch. Then we headed to STA so that both of them could get their ISIC card done, before heading to Sim Lim to get my webcam! Gah I think I got cheated, either that or I can't read properly. Coz the cam i got sucks. I'm going back to change it! I had a good time skyping yesterday for the first time haha. Though at one point of time, my grandmother came upstairs, saw me talking to the laptop, and stared. I was lazy to explain that I wasnt mad or too stressed. I think IT nowadays can really baffle people her generation.
When I reached home, I had several surprises waiting for me! A few Ang Paos for relatives and this nicely wrapped present! My uncle even decorated it with origami he learned to make, so cute!
I opened it and it turned out to be a Nokia E65. Whoo (: I'm a happy girl!

Btw, the origami in the middle's santa clause! Early Christmas present probably!
And after I basked in the happiness after these events,
I woke up today, with the worse gastric pangs I've ever suffered, and diarrhoea to top it off.
Anw, 10 days to go...this is really bittersweet.
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Finally went to do my visa on monday! haha, I really hope it'll be processed within 5 days or I'll be stuck in Singapore for the weekend! and it's the last 2 weekends here !!:( But I'm cherishing the time here in Singapore by meeting as many friends as I can! Anw the visa application was supposed to take a mere 10 min but I took 2 hrs!!! coz it was a lucky day and the biometric machine decided to break down. But I guess it was a blessing in disguise to a certain extent as that 2 hrs gave me time to chat with some of the other UCL people who were also last min applicants like me (:
After that it was dinner with my pri school friend, ate at Siam kitchen and the food was, hmm let's just say I can probably cook better than that, and I dun cook that well at all! But I guess that wasnt a main concern, the catching up was.
On tue I met GP at Queensway! Was supposed to accompany her to get sports shoes but we ended up buying unexpected stuff!haha. I think that's the odd thing about shopping. Nice things always appear when you least expect them to. I guess that applies to life in general too?
Anw I got plagued by stomach burns (as gp calls it) halfway through shopping and it was so super uncomfortable! I had such a fulfilling lunch at IKEA that I doubted it was gastric. But as GP explained to me, it's probably due to my gastric juices which decided to defy gravity and shoot up to my chest area, coz my sphincter muscle's malfunctioned. hmm, anw I went back to rest for a while and thankfully it went away!
Then at night, I met my UCL group at Clark Quay's Minds Cafe. Was really happy with the full attendance ( 10 people in total!) we just sat there and played brainless games for 3 hrs. Games like ugly doll, jenga, taboo, banana slap! Of which I can conclude: I can never win games that require quick reaction! anw it was just super fun, and I'm really glad to have met every single one of them (:
I'm gonna watch Ratatouille later, really excited!!:D
Saturday, 1 September 2007
I managed to force myself to start packing just now.
So I took down the biggest luggage in my house,
threw in my pull-overs and a few jackets,
scarves,gloves which i don't know whether I'll ever use,
my bedsheets and duvet,
some random neccessities,
milo packets, some chinese herbs, instant packets
mini iron and hairdryer.
And it weighed a grand total of 19kg!
And I havent even included my clothes, bolster, toiletries, shoes, bags etc.
Haha I'm really going down to SQ to beg for more baggage allowance, they should show some mercy :(
But surprisingly, it didnt seem like I had LOADS to bring. 20 min of packing, and I think I'm almost done apart from the stuff I havent added to the 19kg.
Anw, I tried to cook chicken with the instant made in malaysia sauce. It was super good!! haha too bad they're qt ex so I'm only bringing about 10 different packets there. I just hope they don't burst in mid-air!
My aunt booked a table at the Johor Chicken Rice Festival tomorrow. And since she couldnt find anyone else to go, our family kindly volunteered. haha. I can't imagine eating 10 courses of chicken rice. My mum and I are already starting to get scary illusions of chickens running around, their feathers wet from all that grease.
Happy weekend!