Beach in Valencia. We were so ecstatic when we saw the sand and sea!!!(:
I had a wonderful xmas, full of surprises, and love!

I still can't believe this...a guitar as a present!!?? It's too good to be true! I was SO SHOCKED! Thanks Kai, Jilyn Mark and Minshin!(:(: I will practise hard!

Some presents I recieved: Nice gloves from mark, CD,Stapler and Holepuncher from Kai -.-haha and the guitar from all of them!<3

Ruffles from Minshin! It has hot tummy so I can hug it to sleep in the cold winter(:(:

Thanks guys, for such a memorable christmas! all I want for christmas is you, you and you!!!(:(:
To my dear friends back in Singapore, merry xmas and soon, happy new year! I was SO HAPPY to hear some of your voices, it made my day!!(: